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Hey guys!

So I thought that for today's post I would share with you a few simple birthday gifts that I think everyone would like! (you might have to change some things based on the person's gender and taste) Let us know down in the comments if you would like others posts like these! Without further a due, let's gooo and I hope you enjoy!

This is guarantied to please anyone, as long as it is one of their favorite stores! Plus, any amount is perfect and they are sure to get themselves something that pleases them!

Everyone probably already has an instal mini 8, but giving them film is so awesome because we always run out of it so fast and it is pretty expensive...

3. Lush!

Anything from Lush is always a good idea! (even for boys) Get them a package that has already been made, filled with their favorite scents and voila!

I feel like nowadays, we tend to read less but there are so many good books out there that are really interesting and most of their covers are gorgeous (<-Instagram photo)

5. A subscription!

Get them a monthly/annual subscription for Netflix, Spotify... This would make a great gift honesty.

I recently started using my penny more often and I have been loving it! A skateboard would be fine too ;) Like this, you can take your *friend* skating and it could be epiccccc!

This brand sells headphones and earphones for a good price, considering the quality. I have a pair of my own and I am obsessed! Plus you can connect a second pair of headphones to yours so you can literally make a chain of headphones....awesomeness!

If you know this person's favorite fragrance, get them a refill because chances are that the are running out! Or if they have been wanting a new one, get it!

Ever since I bought my own watch, I have been wearing it everyday and I love the feeling so much. The brand "The Fifth Watch" sells gorgeous watches 5 days a month, which I find pretty cool. Any brand is fine though, there are so many out there!

This one is quite similar to n*5, except that each month the person you are offering this to will receive a box full of goodies! So many brands have subscription boxes for different purposes. Birchbox is pretty well known for beauty.

Urban outfitters sell amazing room decor pieces but sometimes they can get pretty expensive for one to buy for no "special" occasion. I particularly like these neon signs, they add so much to a room and you can personalize them too!

Well, that was it! I truly hope you got some inspiration! Links to the products are on the titles for each and every one of them! Have a great week,

Cathy xx

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