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Favorite Instagram accounts!


For today's post, I am going to be sharing with you my favorite Instagram accounts! If you click on the account's pictures, a link will take you to it! Enjoy!

1. Fooooood

I absolutely love this girl's account. She inspires me to eat healthier and sort of encourages people to be vegan which I really like. (I am not vegan btw...yet)

2. Inspiring

This is Eva Gutowski aka Mylifeaseva. She is a famous beauty guru and has really been slaying her instagram feed. She makes me want to travel and explore places with my bestfriends. She is BOMB.

3. Similar

Sierra Furtado's instagram is pretty similar to Eva's but only a little less colorful I guess. Eva edits her pictures a lot which makes them seem surreal but Sierra's are more natural. I still love them both equally!

4. Calming

I honestly know nothing about this girl who calls herself "aliencreature", except that she loves plants, purlple and fashion I guess. She seems to not have a care in life, she seems to calm and relaxed. Her feed is so unique and amazing!

5. RAD

Lydia honestly has a purfectttt feed. Between posting ootds, selfies, pics of products or clothes, she always has a great theme going on! I also really love her username :)


This girl's life is...amazing. I beleive that she is a blogger but I have never taken a look at her blog. Her feed makes me want to travel so much!!!

7. Cute

Honestly, Australian bloggers are the best! I follow so many and BasicallyDominique is one of my favorites! Her feed is so pleasing and inspires me for some of our pics!


Outfit.Journal was probably one of the first fashion/outfit inspiration account that I have followed. I find it so different from other fashion accounts! I looove it so much!


From all the "outfit goals" accounts I follow, this one is by far my favorite. They feature gorgeous outfits which gives me so much inspiration!

10. B&W

LEGANDMEG are the best. They remind me so much of "TheLineUp" and "ToThe9s" only in a different way. They are both gorgeous and there feed omg. They post their outfits as well as others they like. (they also have a youtube is bomb!)

11. Yassss

I am sure you know these types of accounts, there are a lot out there (@teengirlclub, @tacosbae, @storiesig, @cohmedy, @hoenest...) and I love them all. They make me laugh so much with their funny tumblr posts or stupid videos!

And there you have it! I hope you enjoyed this post and that you find some new accounts to follow!

Keep on smiling,

Cathy xx

Pics :

I screenshotted these from my phone and collaged them in PicMonkey :)

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