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What I need to do before I die!

Hey guys!

It has been such a long time, but we are back! I am so happy to start reblogging, I have missed it soooo much. So today I was just thinking about life, and I realised how short it actually was. I really do not want to waste even one minute of the precious time we are given. I want to travel, explore, laugh, enjoy every single moment in my life with the people I love. I decided I should make a little list of things I really would want to do before my time is over. I thougt I could share it with you, make sure to let me know if you enjoyed it!

Visit "Santa Claus":

This is mainly a child dream, I have always wanted to visit Santa (yes I still believe in Santa, and so what?). I would love to bring my future kids there and see the smiles on their faces.

Donate Blood:

This is just a something that I have always wanted to do, and I hope I will do soon. I think it is just symbolic, and could really be useful to someone.

Visit all 6 continents:

This is cleary one of the biggest things I would like to do. I have had the chance in my short life to already visited 4 four of them, but I would love to discover more cultures and more landscapes from all around the world.

Go on a road trip:

Going on a road trip is just something I have always wanted to do, with my freinds or even with my family. The idea of being in car, travelling, being free to go where ever you want is just so exciting.

Do voluntary work:

This one is the one I prefer, and that I am planning on doing in the years that are coming. Knowing that during your life you have been able to make people in need smile, laugh, have a better life is just such a satisfying feeling. I would love to go on a trip for 3-4 months in Africa or Asia to teach little boys and girls to reed, or build class rooms for them.

Go ice-skating in Central Park in New York:

All my life, I have seen in films or TV shows (like Gossip Girl) people ice-skating in Central Park. Even if it may not seem important, it is just something I have always been dreaming of.

Dye my hair in a crazy colour:

For some people this may seem wierd that this is on my list, but I have never been brave enough to dye my hair, and I would love to.

Go to Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia:

This is clearly one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. It is basically a salt desert in Bolivia that reflects the sky and would love to visit it.

Eat in an underwater restaurant:

This is soooo beautiful! It seems so unreal, but it is not. This is the perfect place for a dinner-date haha, but seriously I would just loveeeee to eat there, even if the food is not that good haha.

Swing at the end of the world in Ecuador:

WOW! No need to describe just see by yourself.

I hope you enjoyed, see you soon!




These pictures are obviosly not mine so yeahhhhh ;)

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